April 6, 2023

Artist Anda Lāce’s Third Visit to the Antūži Primary School

In their third meeting at the Antūži Primary School the students discussed different emotions that they had experienced on the day. They shared their meditations and revealed that they feel that not every day is a whopping success. The artist Anda Lāce offered them to express their feelings both through movement exercises, which included dramatics and a multiform use of movement (such as rolling, crawling, jumping etc.) as well as through a large-scale visual collaboration – the portrait of happiness. The students were invited to weigh in on what emotions the others should depict. Happiness, which the students picked as the subject of the visual work, was to be depicted using a roll of paper as a white line that can be used for painting. Later on the large-scale portrait was supplemented by depictions of other emotions via a felt-tip pent as well as endeavours of a more experimental bent, i.e. drawing with charcoal.